SQL server 全文检索使用中有时会遇到下面这个错误:
7625: 全文表或全文索引视图在其全文索引列中有多个 LCID。
English translation: Full-text table or indexed view has more than one LCID among its full-text indexed columns.
见外国一帖子, 忘记链接了,照抄如下:
It seems that in your full-text query are querying more than one column and
one of the columns is using a different word breaker. They must all use the same word breaker or use the same language in your query using the language predicate.
也就是说, 创建全文索引时,在各个字段上设置的分词器的语言不一致,也就是设置多了,应该统一成一种,这样就解决了。